Coal: Leases & Reserves

Coal leases map of permitted and future reserves.

Permitted Reserves

Poker Flats Mine
Approximately 27 million tons of coal were produced at Poker Flats Mine since beginning production in the mid-1970s. As part of the reclamation effort, during the past several years, more than 570 acres of land have been graded, re-contoured and planted with grasses, shrubs and trees.

Two Bull Ridge Mine
During November 2002 the dragline was repositioned from Poker Flats Mine on the south side of Hoseanna Creek to the north side for mining operations on Two Bull Ridge. More than 10 million tons of coal will be mined from Two Bull Ridge Mine during the next 20 to 25 years. Coal from the Suntrana Formation will be mined at a stripping ratio of 3.5 to 5 cubic yards of overburden to 1 ton of coal. The coal found at Two Bull Ridge has the same basic characteristics as coal from Poker Flats Mine. Typical thickness of seam number 3 is 18 feet; seam number 4 is 32 feet, and seam number 6 is 21 feet. More than 150 acres have been restored.

Gold Run Pass Mine
UCM is nearing completion of its coal mining activities at Gold Run Pass Mine located 10 miles to the east of the main operations area.  Four of the five phases of operations have already been reclaimed which includes more than 100 acres.

Jumbo Dome Mine
The Jumbo Dome Mine was permitted in 2012. UCM is developing the mine and plans to be actively mining in late 2016. The Jumbo Dome Mine is seven miles northeast of Two Bull Ridge and adjacent to UCM's existing properties. Jumbo Dome Mine enhances the corporate strategy for assuring a long-term, reliable supply of coal for future generations. There is approximately 250 million tons of coal in the Jumbo Dome Mine region which has half the ash and sulphur characteristics as the coal in Poker Flats and Two Bull Ridge. Typical thickness of coal seam number 4 is 40 feet and coal seam number 3 is 30 feet. Overburden above seam number 4 is 25 to 75 feet thick, while interburden between seams is 35 feet. Stripping ratios are 0.5 cubic yards of overburden to recover 1 ton of coal. The mine site is a short distance, less than three miles, from the Railbelt electrical grid transmission intertie line. This characteristic makes it an attractive potential location for a mine-mouth power plant. UCM developed a proposal for such a power plant, known as the "Emma Creek Energy Project," and presented it to Alaska's major electric utilities for their consideration.

Future Reserves

Rosalie Mine
The Rosalie Mine in the Healy Creek Valley is located approximately seven miles southeast of the main operations. Rosalie Mine's mining operation has a very interesting history. The mine has an estimated 7 million tons of surface mineable reserves and an estimated life of 13 to 15 years. During 1956 the grand opening of Rosalie Mine #1 was celebrated with Rosalie Usibelli (later Rosalie Whyel) and her father Emil Usibelli breaking a traditional bottle of champagne. Today Rosalie Whyel is Vice President and board member of Usibelli Coal Mine, Inc.

Wishbone Hill Mine
Wishbone Hill is a historic mining area located approximately 40 miles northeast of Anchorage and 10 miles northeast of Palmer, Alaska, near the community of Sutton.  Commercial production of coal in this area began as early as 1916. Emil Usibelli, founder of UCM, first worked in the Sutton area when he came to Alaska in 1935. During June 1997, UCM finalized the purchase of the 7,434 - acre Wishbone Hill Mine. The Wishbone Hill coal deposits were last mined in the early 1980s. The Wishbone Hill property is currently permitted and undergoing an update to the feasibility study.

Click here for Wishbone Hill Project Information